Selasa, 05 April 2011

Hortatory Exposition

Group 2 :
*Fatmalasari Y.  *Febila Ramadhantia
*Fristya Langkole   *Sity Suharyanti
*Moch. Fauzan Zarkasi
Assalamua'laikum Warahmatullahi Wabarrakatuh.. Hello my frieds I would like to Introduce our group to you.. First me "Febila Ramadhantia", Second "Fristya Langkole", Third "Sity Suharyanti", Fourth Moch. Fauzan Zarkasi and last Fatmalasari Yacxhyadin. So, lets begin.. Firt me would to tell you about what's meani off "Sex and Free Sex". 
Hortatory Exposition, About :
In biology, sex is a process of combining and mixing genetic traits, often resulting in the specialization of organisms into a male or female variety (each known as a sex). Sexsual reproduction involves combining specialized cells (gametes) to form offspring that inherit traits from both parents.
Free sex intercourse itself is not tied by a marriage valid. free sex is the kind of relationship that is illegal, and extremely hard banned by many stakeholders such as governments, parents, and religion. because it involves moral. free sex is a lifestyle built on the belief that the human right to decide anything for himself.
Psychological result that is often forgotten when doing this actually is: guilt, anger, sadness, regret, shy, lonely, do not have help , confused, stress, self-hate, hate people involved, fear not clear, insomnia, loss of  confidence self, eating disorders, loss of  concentration, depression, grieving, have no hope, anxiety, not forgive myself, fear God punitive, nightmares, feeling empty, hallucinations,hardmaintainingrelationship.

Cause doing freesex :
1.       Can’t say “NO”
- Usually because of fear severed relationship by her boyfriend. How to maintain the relationship. And usually, after the boyfriend would run well.
- Usually used as an excuse as a proof of love. Actually if you really love, will maintain that sex after marriage.
2.   Children not feel “Gaul”
With ever had sex, was considered 'Gaul'. One great though. However, many teenagers who have low self-concept remains to do so is perceived as 'Gaul'.
3.   Business
Increasingly rampant prostitution, just the lure of the Blackberry can make teenagers do it. In some areas, teenagers are also used as a business tool by her parents or also because the problem of poverty.
4.    Religious values reduced
If the first does, handrails opposite sex only, I think once taboo. Religion is an excuse. He said he religion should not be. But, now probably well familiar? His teachings still remains the same, but the values ​​may have started to shift times it seems.

5.    TV shows
because of the screening of the film, generally for adults but the teenagers who have a sense of curious to watch without censorship.
6.    Lifestyle
Well, finally there are some people even have live it as a lifestyle. It's normal. However, the authors confident and optimistic, there are many teenagers who have strong attitudes and principles with this formula: Dating + Love = Marriage, then sex.
They are teenagers who have the attitude and good self-concept. Teens from lower ranks, though often forced to work to help their parents, still have a principle not to premarital sex. They know that they will say 'NO' and learn to respect themselves.

Teenagers age range of women who had sex outside marriage is 13-18 years or age teens (teenagers). according to Head of BKKBN that 100 adolescent girls. As a result, 51 women are not virgins, results of a survey conducted in Surabaya, Medan, Bandung and Jogjakarta. namely, young single women in Surabaya, which has lost her virginity 54 percent, 52 percent in Medan in number, Bandung 47 percent, 37 percent and Jogjakarta. According Sugiri, BKKBN data was collected through surveys throughout 2010. Consequently an increase in the disease AIDS.

The impact of free-sex:
-          positive impact : 1. get inner satisfaction
  2. feel more slang
- negative impact : 1. Damaging future
                                           2. ruin the family name
                                           3. large sin
                                           4. pregnant outside of marriage
                                          5. self your harm
Solution (to prevent) the occurrence of free-sex:
1. sex education since childhood
2. increase faith and piety for child
3. choose an appropriate program of children age
4. parents must give more attention to the activities of children outside the home
5. follow good activity/positive activity (Ex : Sports, Spirituality, Study Groups, etc).
6. Choosing good friends association.

1 komentar:

  1. Soory for my mistakes..!! :) (Buru2 kha' bla mengetik).. heheheee...
